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    In an original article for NPQ, Ben Manski introduces the origins and trajectory of Next System...
    In this article, syndicated via the Tribune News Service and Progressive Perspectives across the...
    Politico's Brittany Gibson interviewed Ben Manski about RFK Jr.'s fundraising woes. Excerpts: ...
    When Chile's national daily, El Mercurio, sought social movement scholars to help explain the...
    Every year, International Worker's Day on May Day follows soon after Earth Day. Fittingly, the...
    COMMUNITY DEMOCRACY AMENDMENT       Section 1. The political heritage of the People of the...
    Originally published as a contribution to the Great Transition Initiative's Forum, "An Earth...
    “Any number of departments, programs, or centers could have instigated this process, we just...
    The 2020s may prove to be “The Decisive Decade.” But what are the origins of the movements of...
    The following excerpt is from the first pages of an introduction by Ben Manski, Hillary Lazar,...
    February 4, 2020
    My scholarship integrates the study of social movements, constitutional law, public policy, and...
    Just out, this symposium on corporate power and local democracy, appearing in the Spring 2019...
    An interview with Ben Manski by David Cobb for The Progressive When establishment media began...
    This call for a global climate strike, initially published on September 24, 2014 by TruthOut and...
    By Todd A. Eisenstadt , A. Carl LeVan and Tofigh Maboudi. New York: Cambridge University Press,...
    The publishers of Law & Critique have decided to make available for free download a special issue...
    Soon available as Chapter 3 in The Palgrave Handbook of Social Movements, Revolution and Social...
    Read this article, co-authored with Sarah Manski, which appeared in Jacobin magazine in March of...
    Recently published in Welcome to the Revolution: Universalizing Resistance for Social Justice and...
    Below you may find a link to my pre-editorial version of chapter 3 of the book Human Rights Of,...
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